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Congress of National Educational Association, Rome 1920. © Fototeca dei Civici Musei di Storia ed Arte [Photo library of the Civic History and Art Museums], inv. n. CMSA F9758.

I graduated in Contemporary History at University of Pisa and I obtained my doctorate in History and Civilization from the European University Institute (Florence). My first publications are on female education in Italy in età liberale, with particular attention to the modalities of administrative unification at local level, to the process of nationalization, to the link between female education and access to work.

I worked on Italian feminist movement of the 70s and I have been working for some years on the role of entertainment (cinema and theatre) in reference to the dissemination of national history (1905-1921) and the representation of women.

I was in the board of the Italian Society of Female Historians (Società I.aliana delle storiche-SIS) and in the board of “Genesis. Rivista della Socieà italiana delle storiche”. With Simona Bonsignori I edit the book series “InBreve. Parola di donna”, published by Manifestolibri.



  1. Bertilotti, Il palcoscenico della Nazione. Teatro, cinema e cultura storica (1905-1921), Roma, Viella, forthcoming.
  2. Bertilotti (ed) Women’s History at the Cutting Edge. An Italian Perspective, Roma, Viella, forthcoming.
  3. Bertilotti, C. Galasso, A. Gissi, F. Lagorio (eds), Altri femminismi. Corpi Culture Diritti Lavoro, Roma, La talpa di manifestolibri, 2018, updated edition with two new essays.
  4. Bertilotti, Caro Presidente. Gli italiani scrivono al Quirinale (1946-1971), Firenze, Le Monnier-Mondadori Education, 2016.
  5. Bertilotti, C. Galasso, A. Gissi, F. Lagorio (eds), Altri femminismi. Corpi Culture Lavoro, Roma, manifestolibri, 2006.
  6. Bertilotti, Maestre a Lucca. Comuni e scuola pubblica nell’Italia liberale, Brescia, La Scuola, 2006.
  7. Bertilotti, A. Scattigno (eds), Il femminismo degli anni Settanta, Roma, Viella, 2005.

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